Saturday 20 June 2015

I Love Garage Sales

Inspired by the I Love To Op Shop Facebook page, I have started I Love Garage Sales Facebook group.  Most of the over 140 members (so far!) are from the Op Shop group, but I am hoping for more from word of mouth and my own Facebook page, and maybe from Pinterest.

Helped along by a new mobile phone plan, I can now take photos and post then and there when I come across a great sale or market. I know what you're thinking, gee she's so far behind the times, it is 2015!

Along with this I am hoping to be able to also show some before and after shots of what I buy and create out of these treasures.  As a new page, I think the more I post, the more others will be inspired to post as well.  I love the idea of starting something new, that others have probably thought would be a great idea, but either don't follow through or have no idea how to do it.  It took some trial and error but I did persevere.  I also love the idea of the power to approve someone to the group!!!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Hedge Cuttings Now Planted

We have planted the hedge cuttings from an earlier blog, so we are so hopeful that they grow. No photos as of yet, will tidy the garden bed up in the next few days so it looks a bit better to photo!

Saturday 28 February 2015

Garage Sale Treasures 28/2/2015

More garage sales today again on my own, but slim pickings and a quiet day.

Spent $16 on a few items, some are great for projects, a scrabble set for $1 to do some crafty things with the tiles (plastic not wooden unfortunately), some silver plate cups in their box to try to sell on eBay, a tin duck for the garden and a sweet hanging lantern hoping to plant something in it.

So again, stay tuned for some before and after project photos - when I eventually get them done!

Garage Sale Treasures

Saturday 21/2/2015

Like with any good shopping trip, it is always more enjoyable when you are in the mood to spend!  With not a lot of money in my pocket and no partner to say "no, don't buy that" I had a wonderful Saturday morning browsing 5 garage sales.

It was one of those mornings where you just collect things as you browse to then get your prices and if you need to, haggle on a group lot.  

Mostly wooden small items to try to be a bit crafty with, clean and sand and then paint is the plan! Now just need the other half to show me how to sand something!

Here's some photos of almost all I collected ...... stay tuned for before and after project photos.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Great Ebay Sales This Week

A great week of eBay sales today, $100 for 5 items.  Some from garage sales, some I've had for a while and even 1 item got for free!  A little bit of room made in the garage and the third bedroom, more commonly known as the junk room. Its only been used as a bedroom about twice in 13 years!  We do make an effort to tidy up but alas I bring home more junk and before you know it, it's a mess again!

So we will be saying goodbye to a piano stool, 2 glass and stainless steel lanterns, a photo frame, a beautiful mirror (already paid for and posted) and a picnic basket.  So maybe this weekend I can get more on eBay from the junk room and also start on a few pinterest projects from last week's garage sales to get them moving out soon.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Becoming Obsessed with Owls

I am about 2 years behind so many people, but I am becoming obsessed with owls!

I picked up this cute vase at a garage sale recently for $1.50 (he wanted $5 - tell him he's dreaming!) and it looks so apt nestled in with some books. Well they are a wise bird they say.

I'll let you know when my owl collection grows although I don't think its a collection yet with only 1.

St Valentine's Day Flowers!

From our original St Valentine's Day's post ....

And flowers you ask??? well a week before St Valentine's Day we went shopping and bought 3 pots of colour (I think they are petunias) $2 each and planted them in a Jamie Durie Wall Planter that we bought quite a few years ago at BigW (for about $10 I think) at the front door. A great splash of colour.